Announcing the MicroPitch Winners!

We’re very excited to announce the winners for the TriForce Short Film Festival and Into Film MicroPitch competition!

The competition asked young filmmakers aged 16-19 years to pitch us an idea for a microshort film which could be filmed on a mobile phone. The winners will be invited to attend a workshop on mobile film making in Birmingham, and then be awarded £250 to help make their film.

The completed films will be screened at BAFTA as part of the TriForce Short Film Festival 2018, with the filmmakers invited to take part in a seminar panel, explaining how they made their films and talking about the techniques involved in mobile filmmaking!

We were blown away by the great standard of ideas, and actually ended up choosing 6 winners instead of just 4! The winners are:

Adam Bird – In the Deep End

Radha Bhandari – The Ghost of a Flea

Ada Urbaniak – Hallow’een Drop Outs

Hamzah Al – Small Bump

Shivani Basran – Dear You

Savannah Hall – Music

We look forward to meeting them at the workshop and seeing their completed films at the TriForce Short Film Festival on Saturday 1st December at BAFTA!

To find out more about the festival go to

To find out more about Into Film go to