Greenacre and TriForce Creative Network Script Search Terms and Conditions
- By applying for the scheme, entrants warrant that they have legal capacity to enter the scheme and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
- Entrants must be resident in the UK and have the right to work in the UK.
- All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party. Greenacre Films and TriForce Creative Network accept no liability if entrants ignore these rules and entrants agree to fully indemnify Greenacre Films and TriForce Creative Network against any claims by any third party arising from any breach of these rules.
- The copyright of all scripts sent to Greenacre Films and TriForce Creative Network rests with the writer – you do not need to formally copyright work before you send it in to us.
- We anticipate we will receive a great many submissions, and therefore similarities of subject matter may occur. We cannot undertake to compensate you if material similar to yours, received coincidentally from another source, is subsequently commissioned or produced.
- The names of all selected entrants and any entrant whose entry is broadcast or used online will be made public. Entrants agree to take part in any post-scheme publicity if required.
- Selected writers will receive a fee to develop their idea into a 10 page treatment. If you are then selected to go through and are asked to develop the full script, you will be paid industry standard fees. Further script development will be negotiated separately.
- All taxes arising from the payment of these fees are the responsibility of the individual writer.