Category: MonologueSlam

  • MonologueSlam UK Success Stories – Caitlin Drabble

    2015 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for TriForce with MonologueSlam UK taking over the country! Before our first show at Contact in Manchester, we wanted to share a success story from Caitlin Drabble, who trained in Manchester and took part in the London MonologueSlam UK, bagging herself an agent and a meeting with a casting director in the process!

    I first became aware of MonologueSlam when I saw two of my friends tear up the stage at one of the Manchester MonologueSlams. I was blown away by the talent on display from all of the actors, but most of all, I was taken aback by the supportive atmosphere between the audience, actors and the TriForce Team. I was soon to graduate from the Manchester Met School of Theatre, and was actively looking for representation. As I’d been training in Manchester, I was very keen to break into the network that exists in London. So as soon as auditions opened for the London MonologueSlam I had signed up. Not only was it going to be in London with the opportunity for one lucky actor to go to LA, the judging panel was insane!

    When I got the email through to say that I’d gained a place I was overwhelmed with excitement, and nerves! But the day came around very fast and before I knew it we were doing a run through of the show. I told myself that I just needed to trust my monologue and give it all I’ve got! The standard of the other actors was incredible! But this was never intimidating, everyone was so supportive of one another and the whole company, actors and organisers, were rooting for each other! Before I knew it the audience were in, the panel were sat in their seats, and Chizzy was calling me up! One minute and it was over. But it felt electric. Afterwards I was blown away by how generous everyone was with their support and kind words. I was awarded the ‘Special Mention’ from the judges, which was an absolute honour! Such a special night. One that I will never forget.

    Following the MonologueSlam I was offered a meeting with Gary Davy, one of the casting directors on the panel. To have the opportunity to introduce myself to someone of his experience and establish a link with an incredible contact is something that I feel very lucky for. I have also just signed with Sharon Henry Management. Sharon was also a part of the panel, and offered me a meeting shortly after the Slam. I feel so lucky to be a part of her agency and very excited about the future!

    It took me three shots to get into the London MonologueSlam, so for anyone thinking about auditioning, I would say keep trying! I am so grateful to the TriForce Team for giving me this opportunity. They have given me the exposure and support that I needed. And for that I can’t thank them enough!

  • MonologueSlam UK – National Champion 2014!

    This Monday evening saw the  2014 national final of MonologueSlam UK at our home in Theatre Royal Stratford East. The performers were almost all previous winners, with regional champions attending from Manchester and for the first year, from Birmingham as well! Four lucky performers got through from the auditions and two from the Masterclass – so we knew the talent was going ot be ridiculous!

    The stakes were high, with the overall winner taking away a year’s free membership to Spotlight courtesy of our supporters at the casting directory.

    Our judging panel was suitably stellar for the last MonologueSlam of the year, packed full of casting directors, agents and directors.A big thank you to Dawn Walton, Artistic Director of Eclipse Theatre, Sian Smyth, an agent from Hamilton Hodell, Kelly Valentine Hendry and Victor Jenkins from VHJ Casting, Stuart Piper, an agent from Cole Kitchenn, Rosalind Bach, an agent from BBA Management, Nadine Rennie, Casting Director at Soho Theatre, and Annie Rowe, a freelance casting director.

    The evening was hosted by the fabulous Chizzy Akudolu with regulars Shoot From The Hip making sure everyone’s sides hurt from laughing. Our wonderful musician on the night was Nadina Ameen McQuilkin.

    it was a special night, with not only the usual winner’s but an overall champion chosen as well and proclaimed as MonologueSlam UK National Champion 2014! The Youth Round was bigger and better with six young people taking to the stage – the winner was declared as George Morley, who has now won the Youth Round three times! Congratulations to Sam Hevicon, who won the 1 Minute Round after getting through to the show through the incredibly competitive auditions, and fellow auditionee Charlton O’Connor, who took home the 3 Minute trophy. Special mentions were given to 1 Minute Round performer Alexander Stutt  and 3 Minute round regular, Maia Watkins.  After much discussion by the judges, the overall winner was declared as Sam Hevicon! Sam took home his year’s Spotlight membership (which he said was great as his mum wouldn’t be paying for it this year!) and also a brand new shiny Nokia Lumia! Both winners also recieved Colin Leslie sunglasses and a Spotlight goody bag, with Charlton as the 3 Minute Winner benefitting from a free monologue recording session at Spotlight to add as a showreel to her Spotlight CV.

    We also took the opportunity to remember our friend Joe Grime – Joe was a wonderful DJ and friend of TriForce who’d been the resident TriForce DJ for many years. Just last month, Joe sadly passed away after suffering from cancer. Joe’s family came to see the show, and wanted to share with the audience the support they’d received from Macmillan Cancer Support. If you would like to donate to Macmillan Cancer Support in Joe’s memory, please click here to make a donation online directly to the charity.

    The next MonologueSlam UK will be on Monday 2nd March 2015, with auditions on Saturday 31st January. Make sure you sign up to our mailing list and you’ll find out first when the auditions are available to book and come and take the MonologueSlam UK challenge!

  • MonologueSlam UK Success Stories – Birmingham

    Congratulations to MonologueSlam performers Sunny Dhap and Vincent Clarke, who after winning the 1 minute round and the 3 minute round respectively at the inaugural MonologueSlam Birmingham, were cast in a show together at the Old Joint Stock Theatre in Birmingham.

    “Our Kylie’s Gettin’ Wed” produced by Stripped Down Theatre, will be on at the Old Joint Stock Theatre from 29th August 2014. For more information, like the Facebook page for Stripped Down Theatre – you can book tickets online now!

  • MonologueSlam Success Stories – Ambreen Razia

    We’re going to be checking in with some of our previous MonologueSlam UK performers to find out how taking part in MonologueSlam has helped their career – first up it’s Ambreen Razia, who performed at the February 2014 Slam in London.

    What made you decide to audition for MonologueSlam UK?

    I knew a few people who had already done it, they said it was such a fantastic experience which made me want to give it a shot. They also said the exposure you get as an actor is like no other.

    How was the audition process?

    Very relaxed! A friendly environment,  I have auditioned a few times and never once has it felt competitive, everyone is very supportive of each other.

    What was the MonologueSlam UK experience like?

    It was so much more than what I had hoped or expected, The night went by like a shot, It was an experience I will never forget and the atmosphere was electric.

    What has happened in your career as a result of the Slam?

    After the slam I had meetings with various different agents along with some of the casting directors who were there that evening. I have now been signed to Simon & How Associates and just recently had an audition at The National Theatre and for the US TV series Homeland!

    You decided to order an edited Showreel of your performance – have you used this and how has it helped your career?

    I would say if your going to take part in the slams take full advantage of all of the after care your given by Tri Force. Make sure you take away any pictures or footage of your piece, its a great way to remind agents and casting directors of your performance rather than just a head shot or an email.

    If you compare where you were before taking part and where you are now, how big an impact has MonologueSlam UK has on your career?

    Before MonologueSlam it was very difficult to find work or get in contact with my chosen agencies or even casting directors, especially as a new graduate. MonologueSlam gave me the exposure I needed to take that further step into the industry. Some people have said that  University or Drama school is considered a “must” then so is MonologueSlam if not it’s more of a must.  If it wasn’t for MonologueSlam and the support of the TriForce Team I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today.

    You can check out Ambreen’s performance, see her interview with London Live to discuss Diary of a Hounslow Girl, her debut play which she performed as her monologue.  Ambreen is currently touring the UK with Diary of a Hounslow Girl.

    Make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity yourself and sign up to the mailing list today!


  • MonologueSlam UK Success Stories!

    Performing at MonologueSlam UK can really take you to the next level. Since April’s event, one of our adult performers secured new representation after being spotted at the show, one of our Youth Round performers has had their very first professional casting (with a HUGE casting director, we don’t mess about!) and yet another Youth Round performer has had interest from not one, but two agents, while also being seen by a casting director for a film role.

    If you want to give you career a boost (or a kick start if you’re just starting out) then MonologueSlam UK is the place to do it. Come along to the next show at Theatre Royal Stratford East on 2nd June to size up the competition and then make sure you sign up to the mailing list to hear about the next round of auditions!